Understand & Conquer Scoliosis

Learn to correct and Stabilize spinal curves closer to mid-line!

SEAS X-Ray Before.jpg

Spine before Corrections

Image from: SEAS: a modern and effective evidence based approach to physiotherapic specific scoliosis exercises. Scoliosis. 2015;10:3.

SEAS X-Ray After .jpg

Seconds Later:

Spine after Corrections

Image from: SEAS: a modern and effective evidence based approach to physiotherapic specific scoliosis exercises. Scoliosis. 2015;10:3.

The foundation of conquering scoliosis begins with correcting the spinal curves towards mid-line. The x-rays above show the same person in a relaxed state and then, seconds later, correcting their scoliosis. Notice the changes in the contours of the body as well as the changes of the spine. Depending on the nature of the curves, some people get more correction while others get less but everyone can see and feel the difference. Individuals, PTs, and those wishing to develop scoliosis products can benefit greatly from this vital information.


Dr. Tamryn is passionate about improving the lives of those with scoliosis.

Dr. Tamryn knows scoliosis & what it takes to reach your goals! Find empowerment for your situation.


Are you into research? Want to locate a scoliosis-trained P.T.? Check it out here!


Do you need equipment for Schroth and other exercises? Here’s a list of recommended products!