Resources & Research

Scoliosis Trained Physical Therapists

Schroth Barcelona Institute: U.S. and International lists of Schroth trained PTs

International Schroth 3-Dimensional Scoliosis Therapy (ISST): U.S. and International lists of Schroth trained PTs.

ISICO Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS): U.S. and International lists of Schroth trained clinicians.

Curvy Girls: A support group for adolescents with scoliosis.

The Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT): SOSORT an international organization with a mission “to advance the most appropriate care for people with scoliosis with an emphasis on non-operative management.

Supportive Groups


Research Papers

WCR Scoliosis Brace: This is a preferred brace within the U.S. Schroth community for 3D scoliosis corrections offered through The Align Clinic at several U.S. Locations.

Sforzesco Brace: The headquarters of ISICO Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis (SEAS) is located in Milan, Italy. They offer the Sfozesco Brace with 3D corrections that works well with Schroth or SEAS treatment. To pursue this brace, consider the SEAS International Clinic.

Hopes Closet: Order under garments for scoliosis braces online

Scoliosis Fashion: The Align Clinic offers fashion examples to show that you don’t need to be limited in your fashion choices while wearing a brace!